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And one easy way to test it.
IELTS, the world's most popular high stakes English language proficiency test
The IELTS is a test developed by the world's leading experts in language assessment on four key English language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The IELTS Academic test is especially designed to assess the language ability of people aiming to study at university undergraduate and graduate levels in an english-speaking environment.
Global recognition
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is:
- The world's most popular English proficiency test, with 2.7 million tests taken in 2015.
- Recognized by over 9000 organizations worldwide, including schools, universities, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies.
- Administered in over 1100 locations in over 140 countries.
Accepted and trusted in UK
IELTS is UK's preferred high stakes English language test. Trusted by over 350 Canadian organizations, it was the first test to be recognized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship UK (IRCC, formerly CIC) and Immigration Québec as proof of English language proficiency for such government programs as Express Entry and other Canadian programs. In May 2014, IRCC announced it was renewing its trust in IELTS for another five years.
Security and integrity
The IELTS meets strict criteria for security, reliability, legitimacy and compliance with Canadian language standards (the Canadian Language Benchmarks).
To ensure the validity and authenticity of IELTS results, Results - IELTS and its partners provide a free online verification service that allows any organization to quickly verify that an applicant's test results are genuine.
For extra preparation advice, you can check out TakeIELTS; and for more information about the test please go to